groeipyne / growing pains
“All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances and one man in his time plays many parts…” A monologue from William Shakespeare's As You Like It, Act II Scene VII.
Sprokies van menswees…
Die hoof fokus van hierdie reeks is groei en hoe groei ‘n konstante is, die oue word agtergelaat om plek te maak vir die nuwe. Die nuwe is nie altyd die regte nie maar ‘n leerproses en hierdie proses behels ‘n sekere mate van pyn en ‘diep duik’.
Groeipyne is ‘n beeldende kunste opvoering/installasie waar die beeldjies sprokies van menswees opvoer. Die dans van groot word, die spel om mensself te vind, te verloor en te transformeer na ’n nuwe rol. Die simptoom van ‘groei pyn’ is onvermydelik. Om te groei bring verandering en verandering ‘n sekere mate van pyn. Die soort pyn wat mens se wese in opstand laat kom, bang vir wat aan die ander kant lê. Of dit nou fisiese, emosionele of spirituele groeipyne is, dit is die fase wat ‘vlerke sprei en vlieg’ voorafgaan. Dit is die harde werk , self-dissipline, rebellie, vloerremoer, weerstand, kopseer, styfskop, worsteling, afsnoei, afskeid, loslaat … die vraagtekens, die uitroeptekens, die donkerte, die verbrande as, die stilte… Dan op ‘n dag, 'n nuwe ek...’n nuwe verstaan...en daar sien ek jou met ander oë.
Groeipyne is 'n drie dimensionele ‘storie-prent’ wat poog om ‘n duisend woorde te verbeeld – om die ‘verhaal van leef’ te deel.
Tales of being human…
This series focus is on growth and how growth is a constant, the leaving behind of some old way in to create room for the new. Not always in the right direction, but learning. This process inevitably involves some degree of pain and ‘deep diving’.
Growing Pains is a theatrical sculptural installation where the sculptures perform tales of being human. The dance of growing up, the act of finding oneself, losing oneself and transforming to a new role. The symptoms of growing pain is inevitable. To grow brings change and change a measure of discomfort or pain. The sort of pain that makes us rebel and fear of what lies ahead. Be it physical, emotional or spiritual growing-pains, it is the condition which precedes ‘the spreading of wings and fly’. The hard work, self discipline, rebellion, resentment, headache, protest, grovel, clip, crop, separation, letting go ... the question marks, the exclamation marks, the darkness, the burnt ashes, the quiet... Then one day, a new me...a new understanding...and there, I see you with new eyes.
Growing Pains is a three dimensional ‘story picture’ endeavouring to tell a thousand words – to share ‘the tale of living’.